About Us
At No Mud-No Lotus Yoga Studio we believe that wellness starts within and every person is capable of change and transformation. We are creating a new brand for our herbpothecary and metaphysical products that you will see identified as "Simply Enchanting"
Virtual Class Information
Virtual classes will be done live via Zoom Video Conferencing starting in January. Participants will receive an invite link to join and you will be able to participate in the live class. After the class has been recorded, you will receive the recorded link in your email for further access, this way if you are unable to take the live class, we can connect you to the recording. We have also created a private Facebook group where recordings will be uploaded for your convenience. Membership to this group will be based on a subscription to weekly virtual classes. The Facebook group will send you an invite, so make sure you have "liked" our Facebook page. If you have any questions, please send a message and we will respond as quickly as possible.