Reiki Level 1 Training ~ In Reiki I, you learn the basics of Reiki, the hand positions and how mind/body/spirit effects the body. Reiki concentrates on the spiritual lessons, pulling them up to the surface to be dealt with. The energy from the Divine will help the person identify, address and even modify their pattern, which will also aid in removing the cause of the illness. Reiki will also enhance the effectiveness of traditional medical practices to heal the areas affected. You learn how to scan a body for illness, how to give a Reiki treatment on yourself or on others and the ideals behind Reiki. Workbook will be included. Pre-registration is required.
Introduction to Aromatherapy: ​this course initiates you into the world of essential oils and aromatherapy, and the strength and well-being they can create. What you will learn:
What aromatherapy is
Why plants produce essential oils
How essential oils are extracted from plants
How to use essential oils safely
The therapeutic properties of 20+ essential oils
How to make a variety of beautiful simple body care products